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SSC Suggestion All Board ( English) for 2018 100 % Common

English 1st paper Short Suggestion

Seen passage

 Developed Passage Surety
01Man can neither change.....air and deliver 100%
02The National Memorial at Saver 100%
03Pahela Boishakh is the bangle new year  100%
04A Freedom Fighter 100%
05 In Case of Teaching English 100%
06Florence Nightingale was born 100%
07 To succeed in life......feel proud of us. 100%
08 Social value......the world for the living. 
09 Severe moral......and social levels.  100%
10 Change is life.......debris of the old. 
11Punctuality......modern world. 100%
12In modern......of emails.
13Newspaper......and problems.100%
14Happiness is......and quiet100%
15Facebook is......turn into the curse.
16Friction between......son and daughter.
17The secret of success......use of their time.
18May 1st International....better lives.

Unseen passage (Q4-5)

 SL NoDeveloped unseen Passage Surety
01Stephen Hawking’s......................using his computer. 100%
02Nelson Mendela..........................lung illness. 100%
03The great ship.............................been flooded. 100%
04Neil A.Aramstrong.......................on August 25,2012 100%
05 Jashimuddin in............................at Gobindapur. 100%
06Mother Teresa............................at age of 87. 100%
07 To succeed in life........................feel proud of us. 100%
08 Abraham Lincoln........................theater in Washington. 100%
09 Charles Babbage.......................October 1871.
10 Nobel prize is..........................was 40,000 dollars 100%
11Dr. Mohammad..........................Puraskar in the pail.


1 A book fair.
2 Traffic Jam.
3 A Rickshaw puller.
4 A winter Morning.
5 Environment pollution.
6 A street hawker.
7 Tree plantation.
8 A rainy day.
9 Climate Change.
10 A School Magazine.
11 Winter morning.
12 The life of a farmer.

Completing Story Writing:

1 Unity is Strength
2 A Greedy Dog
3 A Thirsty Crow and a Jar
4 The cats and the Monkey
5 The Liar Cowboy
6 Two friends and a bear
7 Slow and Steady wins the race
8 A Greedy Farmer
9 Sheikh Saadi and prestige of dress
10 A fox without the tail.
11 Lion and mouse
12 An honest woodcutter.
13 Who will bell the cat?
14 What is play to one is death to others

Describing graphs & charts

1 The average temperature of the year in Bangladesh.
2 The arrival of tourists in Bangladesh.
3 the population of Bangladesh.
4 the choice of profession by differently educated people.
5 GPA-Holder in SSC Examinaiton-2014
6 Someone’s spending time on various activities.
7 The Number of Telephone and Mobile Phone”
8 the internet users
9 Literary Rate”
10 The elderly people attitude to pastimes”
11 A number of people live below the poverty line.
12 Student’s time allocation in his/her daily activities.

Informal Letter Writing/email

1 Benefit of reading newspaper
2 Consolation your friend for his mother’s death.
3 Thanking him for his hospitality
4 To be serious to study.
5 Intend to do after the SSC Examination
6 Congratulating him on his brilliant successes in the examination
7 Condolence at a friend’s father’s death.
8 The importance of physical exercise.
9 Annual sports day
10 Thanking him for a nice gift

Dialogue Writing:

1 Preparation for coming to Examination
2 Between you and your doctor regarding your illness
3 Illiteracy problem
4 Importance of reading newspaper
5 Uses and abuses of mobile phone
6 Importance of learning English
7 Importance of tree plantation
8 Environment pollution
9 Bad effects of drug addiction
10 Importance of Computer learning

English 2nd paper Short Suggestion

CV Writing(12)

1 For lecturer in English.
2 For a probationary officer in Bank.
3 For Assistant Teacher English.
4 For a computer operator.
5 For a field officer.
6 For an Assistant marketing Manager

Formal letter/Application(13)

1 Study Tour/Excursion.
2 sinking a deep tube well.
3 Testimonial.
4 Setting up a computer club.
5 Relief goods and Medical Aids.
6 Setting up a debating club.
7 Common room facilities.
8 seat in the hostel.
9 Setting up a canteen.
10 Library facilities.

Paragraph writing(14)
1 A book fair
2 Road Accident
3 A school Magazine
4 Traffic Jam
5 A Rainy Day
6 Tree Plantation
7 National Flag
8 A Moonlit Night
9 A School Library
10 Deforestation


1 Wonder of modern Science
2 Population Problem in Bangladesh
3 Your Childhood Memories
4 Your visit to a historical place
5 Newspaper
6 Uses of computer in Bangladesh
7 The Importance of Trees.
8 A Journey You have made
9 The Season you like most
10 Your Aim in Life

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