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Rohingya crisis

Rohingya crisis: Bangladesh Needs International Help

Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN Ambassador Masud Bin Momen made the remark at an event titled ‘Strengthening of the Coordination of Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance of the United Nations, including Special Economic Assistance’ held at General Assembly, UN Headquarter in New York, said the Bangladesh Mission today.

Mentioning Bangladesh government’s continued engagement with the Myanmar authorities in good faith, the Ambassador said, “We stress that Bangladesh can bilaterally address only perhaps the issue of the possible voluntary repatriation of the Rohingya to Myanmar, but all related larger questions and issues would have to be addressed by Myanmar with the international community’s continued support and monitoring on behalf of the Rohingya”.

He urged the donor countries and organisations to respond to the pressing and increasing needs for resources identified by the concerned humanitarian actors, in the spirit of responsibility and burden sharing.

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