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Voice changing of Interrogative sentences

Voice changing of Interrogative sentences

Voice change of Interrogative Sentences.

We should divide the interrogative sentences into two groups . one is without wh question and another is with wh question. First I shall discuss about the interrogative sentences which are without wh questions.

Example :               Are you playing football ?
Ans        :   Is football being played by you ?

Discussion of the answer :  In order to change the sentences into passive from active of the interrogative sentences which are not formed by wh words, we must do it by 3 steps.

Step  1.   First we should turn the given interrogative sentence into assertive sentence.

Given Sentence :   Are you playing football ?
 Assertive Sentence :  You are playing football.

Step 2 .  Now we should turn the assertive sentence into passive

Football is being played by you.

Step 3.  Now we shall make this sentence into interrogative just.

Is football being played by you ?

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