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Paragraph -- International Workers' Day

 International Workers' Day

May day is observed all over the world as International Workers' Day to commemorate the historic struggle of the working people in 1886. It is now an international holiday of the working people. From the beginning of Industrial revolution people in factories had to work very long shifts, lasting up to fourteen to even more hours a day. In the 1880 a new movement calling for eight hour work day inspired both labour unions and in organised workers was undoubtedly a moral blow to the wealthy class. The capitalist government and its agents adopted every possible means to choke the voice of the workers. On May 3, 1886 police fired into crowd of strikers at Chicago in the USA. In that incident, one worker was killed instantly, five or six others were wounded seriously and an unlimited number of workers were injured. It is due to sacrifice of the workers in 1886. The working people today enjoy a number of facilities such as minimum wage, safety laws and eight-hour work day. So, the sacrifice made by the workers of the city of Chicago is now remembered every year all over the world. It is the day of inspiration of being united for the realization of the demand of the workers. The workers will be exploited of they do not stand up and speak out to gain better working condition, better pay and better lives. 

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