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Paragraph -- A Railway Porter

 A Railway Porter

If you visit a railway station, you will see a railway porter. He is very common figure in almost all the railway stations. You can easily mark him in a crowd as he generally wears a red uniform. He carries the luggage of the passengers. He is a very useful person at the railway station. He rises early in the morning and goes to the railway station . When a train arrives at the station, he is found moving from one compartment to another to carry the luggage of the passengers. A railway porter is a poor and helpless man. Generally , he has no land and property of his own. He earns his living by carrying the luggage of the passengers and by loading and unloading the goods of the train. He works hard but earns less. If he gets more work, he earns more. When he earns more, he and his children eat to their hearts' content. When he does not get any work, he and his family have to go without food. Sorrows and sufferings are his constant companions. He can hardly enjoy peace and happiness. We should feel pity for him. The government should also give them opportunity to live a better life. 


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