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Paragraph-- Dengue fever

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is a kind of fatal disease caused by the biting of Aedes mosquitoes. It was first detected in Bangladesh in 1966. It is a virus-infested disease. There are four stereotypes of dengue virus, such as DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, DEN-4.DEN-2 and DEN-3 are more serious. Dengue is one of the prime re-emerging diseases of Bangladesh. Aedes mosquitoes carry the virus of dengue fever. It breeds in small pots, jars, dumps and discarded plastic containers and tyros. There are two types of dengue fever. There are classical dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue Hemorrhagic fever is fatal and it causes death with bleeding. Dengue virus is originated from Africa. Now it is epidemic in most tropical countries of Asia like India, Myanmar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Philippines. It transmits the virus when it sucks human blood. Its symptoms on patient become clear in four to six days. Aedes mosquitoes breeds stagnant but clear water of various pots. It lives on blood and aedes female mosquitoes cannot breed without blood. There is no antidote of dengue virus. With an apprehension of severe outbreak of dengue fever, people can be made aware of dengue. It will be easier to prevent the disease.

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