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Paragraph-- Eve-teasing

Paragraph-- Eve-teasing

Eve-teasing is the most arising subject in recent on the media and everywhere in the world. Everyday it is present in the newspapers. It is a matter where the girls are abased by the boys. Here boys use bad language to the girls. And girls are silently hate them without taking any kind of revenge. In naturally his violations reach the girls to suicide . She take the decision to killed herself only for this insult. This Eve-teasing violations are very hateful issue for the society. In presently government and many organizations are coming ahead for prevent the bitter matter. But it is still in our society. For removing it forever from the society everybody should careful about it. Everybody should behave each other like brother and sister. Here religion rules can contribute a lot. So we should obey our religious rules. And after all we should come forward to remove it from our society. If anybody makes this again they should be punished for their deeds. And we should take immediate action to them if any body makes this violations. If we can go this action then we will be able to remove this issue from our society forever.

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