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Suffix- Prefix JSC Board Solution-- ( Jessore Board)

Suffix- Prefix

1. (a)  Truthful is the (b) great of all human virtues. We must (c) courage the habit of speaking the truth from our (d) child. Everyone (e) honour and hates a liar (f) wholehearted. A (g) lie is not accepted in a society. His judgement and thoughts are (h) value.      ( Jessore Board-- 2016)

Ans :  (a)  Truthfulness  (b)  Greatest  (c)  Encourage (d) Childhood  (e) Dishonours  
           (f) Wholeheartedly  (g) Liar  (h) Valueless.

2.  An ideal student is (a) care about his (b) responsible. He is a (c) follow of great men who became (d) success in (e) world life. He has (f) able to be successful because he is (g) merit and (h) industry.

( Jessore Board -- 2015)

Ans :    (a) Careful   (b)  Responsibility  (c) Follower  (d)  Successful  (e)  Worldly  (f) Ability 
             (g) Meritorious  (h) Industrious

3.  Trees are (a) use to man in many ways. They are (b) company in our day-to-day life. It is (c) possible to build our homes, furniture etc. without trees. Trees save us from flood and (d) nature calamities. It (e) strength the soil. If we cut down trees at random, there will be ecological (f) balance. So, tree (g) plan programme should be extended for a better. (h) happy and healthier life.  

( Jessore Board -- 2014)

Ans :    (a) Useful  (b) Companions  (c) Impossible  (d) Natural  (e) Strengthens  (f) Imbalance 
            (g) Plantation  (h) Happier.

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