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Narration Solution 1 JSC Dhaka Board

Narration Solution  1

1.  " Have you offered your prayer today ? " I said to my cousin.  "No, I have forgotten, " he said.       "That's bad." I said. "We must pray to the Almighty everyday. " (DB 2016)

Ans :  I asked my cousin if he(c) had offered his(c) prayer that day. He replied in the negative and said that he(c) had forgotten. Then I said that that was bad. I also said that we must pray to the Almighty everyday.

2. "Have you taken your meal Tania ?" said the mother.  "Yes, I have taken my meal," replied Tania. "Will you eat any fruit? Eat some mangoes , " the mother said. (DB 2015)

Ans :  The mother asked Tania if she (T) had taken her (T) meal. Tania replied in the affirmative and said that she had taken her(T) meal. The mother asked Tania if she(T) would eat any fruit and advised her(T)  to eat some mangoes.

3.   "My sons, a great treasure lies hidden in the field there. I am going to leave it as I shall die soon,"      said the old father. Being curious, the sons said, "How shall we find it ?"  "You must dig the land            for it,"    said the old man.    (DB 2014)

Ans :  The old father told his sons that a great treasure lay hidden in the field there and added that he (O) was going to leave it as he would die soon. Being curious, the sons asked the old father how they would find it. The old man replied that they had to dig the land for it.

1 comment:

  1. Grate about HSC Exams, follow the link for PSC Result 2018 along JSC Result 2018 for both of all education board in Bangladesh


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