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Narration Solution -- 2 JSC Rajshahi Board

Narration Solution -- 2

1. Father said to Rina, "Do you know why I have sent you to school ?" The daughter said, "Yes, I know. I have been sent to school to learn to read and write. "   "Right", father said. (RB 2016, 2015)

Ans :  Father asked Rina if she (R) knew why he(F) had sent her to school. The daughter replied in the affirmative and said that she knew it. She also added that she had been sent to school to learn to read and write. Father told Rina it was right.

2.  "Why don't you attend the classes ?" the teacher said to the boy.  "You can not expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you."  " I am sorry sir, I have offended you,"  said the boy.   "Thank you" said the teacher.

Ans :  The teacher asked the boy why he didn't attend the classes. He(T) also said that he(B) could not expect good results unless he(B) attended classes as he (T) told him(B). The boy respectfully said that he(B ) was sorry and added that he (B) had offended him(T). The teacher thanked the boy. 

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