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Suffix- Prefix for JSC and SSC Exam

Suffix- Prefix

1. Every man does not have the same ability. It differs from man to man. (a)educate can develop one’s ability, but yet the (b) differ remains. An educated man can do something that is (c) possible for an d)educated man. It is because education can (e) able him to do it.(f)academy education is not enough for (g)lighten the mentality of man. But it is necessary for awarding certificates and h) measure of knowledge.
Ans;(a) education(b)difference(c)impossible (d) uneducated (e) enable(f) academic (g) enlightening (h) measurement

2. To become sure of doing well in the examination, you have to be attentive to studies. Regular practice can (a)sure your better performance. But if you are (b)attentive and (c) regular you cannot expect to do so. Remember that (d)regularity will result in (e)satisfactory performance. Our students know this. But still many of them fail to show better (f) perform because they are (g) neglect of their duties we must believe that willful (h)negligent is a crime.
Ans; (a) ensure (b) inattentive (c) irregular (d) irregularity (e) unsatisfactory (f) performance (g) neglectful (h) negligence

3. Students learn lessons and keep them in memory. If the lesson is (a)interest, it is easy for them. If it is (b) interesting they may feel it difficult. They also often practice. They should try (e) repeated for understanding. Students should be (f)mind. They should be (g)labour.They should try (h)frequent if they fail to understand any lesson.
Answer: (a) interesting (b)uninteresting (c)memorize (d)memorization (e) repeatedly (f)mindful (g)labourious (h)frequently

4. We have both (a)happy and (b)happiness is this world. When somebody is (c)successful in his mission, he is happy. While he is (d)success, he is unhappy. (e)Prolong unhappiness in one’s life is unbearable. Happiness is a (f)relate term. Moreover, it is an (g)visible abstract thing. It is said that happiness lies in h)content and nothing is more transitory than happiness in this world.
Ans:(a)happiness (b)unhappiness (c)successful (d)unsuccessful (e)prolonged (f)relative (g)invisible (h)contentment

5. Our (a) nation memorial (b) symbol the nation’s respect for the martyrs of the liberation war. It is an (c) achieve which is d) measurable. Our freedom fighters showed their unique (e) hero in the war against the well armed soldiers of Pakistan. The Pakistani soldiers killed our people (f) merciless.They continued atrocities in (g) associate with the local(h)collaborate.However,they were defeated in the end.
Answer:(a)national(b)symbolizes (c)achievement (d)immeasurable (e)heroism (f)mercilessly (g)association (h)collaborators

6. a)Truth people are honest.(b)truthful is a great virtue. One cannot have the virtue of(c)honest without speaking the truth.(d)honest people tell a lie for personal interest.(e)dishonest spoils other human qualities in life. People who are (f) virtue are honest and truthful. They are also (g)believe in god and they fear only god. They are (h)loved to all.

Answer: (a) truthful (b)truthfulness (c)honesty (d)dishonest (e) Dishonesty (f) virtuous (g)believers (h) beloved

7. Food (a)adulterate is a great problem in the country.(b)adulterate food is (c)harm to health. Some (d)scrupulous businessmen adulterate food to make money. By eating adulterated food we will get (e)curable disease. Steps have been taken by the government to stop the(f)practice of food adulteration. It is not a (g)punish offence to make food and fruits (h)poison by using any chemical or any substance
Ans:(a)adulteration(b)adulterated (c)harmful (d)unscrupulous (e)incurable (f)malpractice (g)punishable (h)poisonous

8. Good health means (a)sound of body and mind. Health is the root of all (b)happy. One should take exercise. (c)regular to keep a good health. He is also to observe the rules of d)clean. An e)healthy man cannot enjoy life. He suffers from frustration. (f)hopeless etc.On the other hand a (g)health man can enjoy his life (h)full.
Answer (a) soundness (b) happiness (c) regularly (d) cleanliness (e) unhealthy (f) hopelessness (g) healthy (h) fully

9. The (a)important of television is too many to describe. It is like a stage where (b)perform are seen and heard. It gives us news on (c)nation and international matters. Television has a great educative value. It teachers the (d)literate and students. It (e)large our knowledge. It has broken the wall between the educated and the (f)educated. Television has some (g)meritstoo.So,television programmes should be (h)careful produced.
Answer: (a) Importance (b) performers (c) national (d) illiterate (e) enlarges (f) uneducated (g) demerits (h) carefully

10. Trees are (a)use to man in many ways. They are companions in our day to day life. It is (b)possible to build our homes, furniture etc.without trees. Trees save us from flood and (c)nature calamities. It (d)strength the soil. If we cut trees at random. There will be ecological (e)balanced. So, tree (f)plantprogramme should be extended for a better, (g)happy and (h)healthy life.
Answer: (a) usefully (b) impossible (c) natural (d) strengthen (e) imbalance (f) plantation (g) happier (h) healthier

11. My mother has come of a (a)respect Muslim family. She is very polite,(b)affection and intelligent. She manages the family(c)nice. Nice loves ma (d)dear. She is ready to sacrifice her own (e)happy for us. She gives much important on (f)truthful and honesty. She advises us not to follow any (g)honesty in the life and not to do anything (h)wisely.
Answer: (a) respectable (b) affectionate (c) nicely (d) dearly (e) happiness (f) truthfulness (g) dishonesty (h) unwisely

12. A day (a)labour is the who does manual labour in various fields. He is not (b)known to us. He is to be (c)health, strong and stout. He works hard from dawn to dusk for his (d)employ. He cannot lead an (e)dependent life. He is to depend on his employer. He cannot lead a (f) peace life. He always leads a very (g) happy and (h)decent life.
Answer: (a) laborer (b) unknown (c) healthy (d) employer (e) independent(f)peaceful (g) unhappy (h) indecent

13. A day (a)labour is the who does manual labour in various fields. He is not (b)known to us. He is to be (c)health, strong and stout. He works hard from dawn to dusk for his (d)employ. He cannot lead an (e)dependent life. He is to depend on his employer. He cannot lead a (f) peace life. He always leads a very (g) happy and (h)decent life.
Answer: (a) laborer (b) unknown (c) healthy (d) employer (e) independent(f)peaceful (g) unhappy (h) indecent

14. Bangladesh is the most (a)dense populated country. This creates food problem (b)education problem.(c) employment problem, medical problem, shelter problem (d)environment problem. To check the (e) normal growth of population, top most importance should be attached to education of the masses. Keeping the entire population (f) educated it would be (g) possible to develop national (h)aware among them.
Answer:(a)agriculture (b)educational (c)unemployment (d)environmental (e)abnormal (f) uneducated (g) impossible (h) awareness

15. An (a)healthy man leads an (b)happy life. He can not enjoy (c)happy. He suffers both (d)physical and (e)mental. He passes his days very (f) pain. His life is very (g)sorrow. He is (h) active.
Answer: (a) unhealthy (b) unhappy (c) happiness (d) physically (e) mentally (f) painfully (g) sorrowful (h) inactive

16. A (a) honest man is (b) liked by all. On the other hand a man of (c) honestcan not lead an (d) pure life. He leads a (e) peace life. He may be (f) solventbut he has (g) content. He does not run after (h) world things.
Answer: (a) dishonest (b) disliked (c) honesty (d) impure (e) peaceful insolvent (g) contentment (h) worldly

17. A good student is (a)mind to his studies. He is (b)respect to his (c)teach.He does not(d)honour anybody. He is free from (e)conduct. He is (f)study. He is not (g)sincere to his study. He maintains (h)punctual.
Answer: (a)mindful (b) respectful (c) teachers (d) dishonor (e) misconduct (f) studies (g) insincere (h) punctuality

18. The mane of Kazi Nazrul Islam is not (a)known to anybody. He is a great (b)write. He is also a c)sings. His writings are full of (d)inspire. His (e)contribute to Bengali literature has made him (f)mortal. His writing are (g)revolution. He is our (h)nation poet.
Answer: (a) unknown (b) writer (c)singer (d) inspiration (e)contribution (f)immortal (g)revolutionary (h) national

19. Smoking is (a)harm her health. It is also (b) cost. (c) smoke should not smoke (d) public. Smoking creates (e)pollute. Smoking causes many (f)curable diseases. It causes (g)comfort to others. But there are many people who are (h)aware of the harmful effect of smoking.
Ans; (a) harmful (b) costly (c) smoker (d) publicly (e) pollution (f) incurable (g) discomfort (h) unaware

20Man should be (a)duty. He must know his (b)responsible. By doing his duty (c)proper he can attain (d)prosper. He prospers (e)slow. He is a man of (f)sincere. He is not (g)active. He does not suffer from (h)inactive.

Ans; (a) dutiful (b) responsibility (c) properly (d) prosperity (e) slowly (f) sincerity (g) inactive (h) inactiveness.

21. A pious man is free from (a)sin activities. He is not (b)kind to anyone. He maintains good (c)relation with all. Above all he is not (d)greed. He knows that (e)deeds leads a man to (f)destruct. He enjoys peace (g)mental. He leads a (h)peace life.
Ans; (a) sinful (b) unkind (c) relation (d) greedy (e) misdeeds (f) destruction (g) mentally (h) peaceful
22.A hard (a) work is (b)hope of his (c)success life. He works (d) hearty to attain (e)prosper. His (f)attain is slow. He passes his days through (g)hard. He is (h)physical strong.
Ans; (a) worker (b) hopeful (c) successful (d) heartily (e) prosperity (f) attainment (g) hardship (h) physically
23. (a)Lazy is a bad habit. A lazy man spends his time through (b)idle. He can not earn (c) achieve. He suffers (d)great in life. So he drags a miserable (e)exist. His life is (f) meaning. His (g) depend on other’s is very bad. He is not (h) care of his future.
Ans; (a) laziness (b) idleness (c) achievement (d) greatly (e) existence (f) meaningless (g) dependence (h) careful .

24. A (a) sin can not go (b)punished.(c)final he pays for his (d)deeds. When he realizes his sin. He becomes (e)repent. He prays (f) hearty. The (g) mercyAllah bestows. His (h) limited kindness upon him.
Ans; (a)sinner(b)unpunished (c) finally (d) misdeeds (e) repentant (f) heartily (g) merciful (h) unlimited
25. Our (a)free (b)fight fought bravely.Their(c)dedicate is an act of(d)inspirefor us. They have become (e)mortal. They have brought (f) dependence for the country through their sacrifice. They are famous for their g)brave. They were also h)courage.
Ans; (a) freedom (b) fighters (c) dedication (d) inspiration (e) immortal (f) independence (g) bravity (h) courageous
26. (a)Clean has great (b)important in our life. It is said that it is next to godliness. It is necessary to lead a (c)health life. It makes life easy and (d)comfort. An (e)clean person does not want to go out. He does not enjoy (f)fresh of mind. (g)Cleanliness causes (h)comfortable to others.
Ans; (a)cleanliness(b) importance(c)healthy(d)comfortable(e)unclean(f) freshness (g)unseemliness (h) discomfort

27. Dhaka is a (a) beauty city. But its beauty is spoilt by our (b)wise activities. The city dwellers are polluting its environment. (c)Cleanliness is the (d) uglysight in the city. In order to make the city look more beautiful, there should be a (e) plan-system. A lot of work has been done under (f) beautify scheme to beautify the city. But it will not prove (g) fruit unless we are successful in our drive for (h)cleanly.
Ans:(a)beautiful(b)unwise(c)unseemliness(d)ugliest(e)planned(f)beautification(g)fruitful (h)cleanliness.

28. Road accidents have (a) recent become a regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents many persons fall a victim to (b)timelydeath. It is reported that most of the accidents occur because of the (c)violateof traffic rules by (d)skilled drivers and (e)conscious passers by. (f)obedient to traffic rules can help to expedite the (g)prevent of road accidents in the country. The pedestrians must use the foot paths, the over passes and the (h)passes.
Ans(a) recently (b)untimely (c)violation (d)unskilled (e)unconscious (f)obedience (g)prevention (h)under-passes

29. Ours is not a developed country. We are (a) gradual developing. We are considered to be an (b) developed country because of many reasons. (c)Literacy is one of them. The government of the country is aware of these. So, measures have been taken for the (d) eradicate of illiteracy. It is true that literacy rate is (e) rapid progressing. The main reasons of it are (f) dishonestand (g) corrupt in every walk of life. Another reason is (h) obedience to laws of the land.
Ans:(a)gradually(b)underdeveloped(c)illiteracy(d)eradication (e)rapidly (f)dishonesty (g)corruption (h)disobedience

30. Nobody can expect a good result in the examination without good a)prepare. You should be b)prepare for it well ahead of the schedule. Some students remain c)prepare for the examination even it is imminent. As a part of d) prepare step they go to the teachers for a concise e)suggest. This is not a good practice. Slow but f) stead wins the race. Students have g)know to understand the meaning of this h)verb in order to build up a prosperous career.
Ans: (a) preparation (b)prepared(c)unprepared (d)preparatory (e)suggestion (f)steady (g)knowledge (h)proverb
31. A book fair is a large scale (a)exhibit of different kinds of books. It is (b)occasion held in our country. The bookstalls are (c)temporary built and then decorated. The (d)publish organize it in order to(e)play the works of different authors. The (f)decorate work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g)organize do not worry for the (h)expend because they can make profit by selling a lot of books.
Ans:(a)exhibition(b)occasionally (c)temporarily (d)publishers (e)display (f)decoration (g)organizers (h)expenditure

32. Eve teaching is one of our social problems. It is the result of moral (a)degrades of our young generation. Eve teaching is an (b) moral activity. Laws have been (c) acted to stop eve teaching. We want the proper (d)execute of the laws. The steps will not produce the desired result if the (e)offend come out through the loopholes of the laws. What (f) practicalhappens is that the (g) use of power makes the criminals go (h)punished. It is never desirable in a civilized society.
Answer:(a) degradation (b)immortal (c)enacted (d)execution (e)offenders (f)practically (g)misuse (h)unpunished

33. A winter morning is very cold and dull. The sun is (a)hard seen if the sky is (b)cloud. Nothing is seen at a distance and everything is hazy because of heavy fog. The (c)hazy continues until the fog disperses. A winter morning is (d) comfort for the rich while it is (e) comfort for the poor. However, winter is (f)favour for working hard. People can (g)go hard labor and those who work (h)physical do not get sweating and tired.
Ans:(a)hardly(b)cloudy(c)haziness(d)comfortable(e)uncomfortable(f)favourable(g)undergo (h)physically

34. Trees are (a)use part of human environment. They are needed to (b)beautyour (c)surround. No one should cut down a tree (d)necessarily or for any (e)important reason. Let us plan more and more trees. In the usa on one living in the (f)local can cut down any three without the (g)permission local authority even if he is the (h)own of he tree. This rule should be introduced in our country too.
Ans: (a)useful (b)beautify (c)surrounding (d)unnecessarily (e)unimportant (f)locality (g)permission (g)owner

35. Tree (a)plan is a must for (b)ecology balance. If trees are cut down and not planted (c)proportionate the country will face more and more problems. There should be laws so that the (d)considerate people cannot cut down trees.(e)indiscriminate. Very often the (f)editor desk of new paper write on the (g)important of tree plantation and (h)deforest cause by many dishonest people.
Ans: (a) plantation (b) ecological (c) proportionately (d) inconsiderate (e)indiscrimately (f)editorial (g)importance (h)deforestation

36. A school magazine is a literary creation of the students reading in the school. It is (a)patron by the headmaster of the school. A student works at the (b)editor desk under the (c)guide of senior teacher. A school cannot bring out an (d)inform magazine if the management is (e)efficient. Many a good (f)education institutions bring out magazines (g)annual focusing the (h)creative of the young learners.
Answer: (a) patronized (b) editorial (c)guidance (d)informative (e)inefficient (f)educational (g)annually (h)creativities

37. Price hike means the (a) usual increase in the prices of daily necessaries. Now a days, it is not an (b) common phenomenon in Bangladesh. Market syndicate is (c) most responsible for this price-hike. Besides, some (d) honestpeople store essential commodities with a view to making huge profit. As a result(e)deplore condition is created in our society. To get rid of this (f)problem situation(g)agriculture sector should be given priority in the annual budget. At the same time, public (h) aware should be raised against it.
Answer(a)unusual(b) uncommon (c)mostly (d)dishonest (e)deplorable (f)problematic (g)agricultural (h) awareness

38. (a)Child is an important period of life. It moulds the character of the (b)child. Children learn from their parents. But it is very (c) fortunate that a huge number of children are working in various risky sectors. It is (d)basic a problem of the (e)develop country like Bangladesh. The child labours suffer from various diseases including (f)nutrition. Abusing children at this (g)mature age is a punishable crime. Poverty alleviation and (h)conscious among the common people can help minimize this problem.
Answer:(a) childhood (b) children (c) unfortunate (d) basically (e) developing (f)malnutrition (g)immature (h)consciousness

39. Everybody hates the (a) honest people. On the other hand, honest people are always respected. Even children (b)like the dishonest people. A dishonest people. A dishonest man have (c)pomp life. But it is totally (d) possible for a dishonest person to find out (e)happy. Honest can offer you a (f) comfort life. We are (g)hope that our younger generation will follow the path of (h)honest.
Ans:(a) dishonest (b)dislike (c)pompous (d)impossible (e)happiness (f)comfortable (g)hopeful (h)honesty

40. Addiction means strong (a) attract for any (b) harm thing. Drug(c) addictmeans taking heroine, marijuana etc. Some of these are taken by smoking or through injection. The frequent taking of these drugs leads a man to (d)die. Drug addiction is not only a national but also a (e) globe problems. Some steps can be taken to stop this problem. People should be made aware of the (f) merits of drugs. Those who are involved with the (g) legal business of drug should be punished strictly. Taking drug is definitely an (h) social act.

Ans(a)attraction(b)harmful(c)addiction(d)death(e) global (f) demerits (g)illegal (h) antisocial
41. (a) Deforest is one of the greatest threats to our environment. It has many (b) reaching effects on the environments. Many people cut down trees (c)discriminate but they (d) hard think about the adverse effect it causes. In fact,(e)forestation the act of cutting or (f) burn the trees in an area by which trees can be decreased (g) rapid and (h) large.
Answer: (a) deforestation (b)far-reaching (c)indiscrimately (d)hardly (e)deforestation (f) burning (h)largely

42. Honesty is opposite to (a)honesty. An honest man is never (b)harm to anybody. He never does (c) justice to others. When he does anything (d)moral, he feels (e) remorse. He never tells a lie. He is always (f) care to his duty. He is rewarded in the long run. We should follow the path of (g) honestand leave off the path of (h) honesty.
Ans:(a)dishonesty(b)harmful(c)injustice(d)immoral(e)remorseful(f)careful(g)honesty (h)dishonesty

43. Man is the best (a) create of Allah. He is a (b) ration being. Allah has created man with such gift of achieving (c)world affluence along with spiritual (d) perfect. He has to do a lot but his life is short. The (e) short of life has added a new value to human life. The (f) add of the new value is tragic to man. People who believe in (g) spiritual of life are indifferent to worldly life. They give more (h) important to spiritual.
Answer:(a) creation (b)rational (c)worldly (d)perfection (e)shortness (f)addition (g)spirituality (h)importance

44. Education develops our mind through (a) form learning. The mental and (b)intellect training is also provided by education. Again, the purpose of education is to (c) lighten the individual. The(d) promote individuals capacity is also its purpose. Education (e) noble our mind and refines our (f)sensible.So, there are (g) vary advantages of education. You cannot find any(h)advantage of education.
(g)various )disadvantage

45. (a) Patriot is a noble virtue. It is an (b) emotion love for one’s country. It is the (c) inspire for a man to shed every drop of blood of defend the (d) liberateand dignity of the country. But patriotism should not be (e) mere a so called slogan in the public (f) meet to deceive the people. We should have (g) fix it in the core of our heart. We should keep (h) our in such noble virtue.
Ans:(a)Patriotism(b)emotional(c)inspiration(d)liberty(e)merely (f)fixed (g)materialize (h)ourselves

45. Bangladesh is our birth land. It is small but (a) beauty. It is an (b)agriculture country. Most of the people of this country directly or (c) directdepend on agriculture for their(d) live. Many important industrious are (e)depend on agriculture products. Farmers are sometimes(f) help and depend on nature. If the rainfall is timely, they can grow bumper crops. But it is (g)regret that they hardly get water in time. The harvest causes (h) suffer to the entire population.
Answer:(a)beautiful (b)agricultural (c)indirectly (d)livelihood (e)dependent (f)helpless (g)regretful (h)suffering

47. Paper is very useful material. Its (a) important cannot be described in words. In the past paper was (b) available. They used palm leaves barks, stones, etc to writes on. It cost much (c) convenience to them. With the (d)invent of paper this inconvenience has been removed. Now people can maintain data (e) easy. But it is (f) fortunate that they waste paper (g)discriminately. We should accept the (h) create rather than abusing it.
Ans(a)importance (b)unable (c)inconvenience (d)invention(e)easily (f)unfortunate (g)indiscrimately (h)creation.

48. A good student studies (a) regular and (b) attentive. Inattentive and (c)regular activities are not for an (d) attention student. A good student is always serious in his activities. Lack of (e) serious is the sign of (f)lazy. Those who are lazy cannot be a good student. Everybody (g) likes them. There not (h)success in life.
Ans:(a)regularly(b)attentively(c)irregular(d)attentive(e)seriousness(f) laziness
(g)dislikes (h)successful

49. Man is the (a) make of his own fate. If he maintain (b) sincere and does his duty (c) according. He can (d) sure his improvement and e) prosper in life; but if he maintain and (f) sincere way of life, he will (g) sure repent. It will be a (h) disaster event in his life.
Ans:(a)maker(b)sincerity(c) accordingly (d) ensure (e)prosperity (f)insincere (g)surely (h)disastrous

50. Sports are popular form of (a) entertain. Many (b) national sporting events are organized from time to. Most of these events are by multinational (c)manufacture and (d) busy firms. They pay for the sports events in (e) changefor the right to advertise their products during those events. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people all over the world (f) joy them live thus, both parties; organize and (h) advertise gain benefit.
(f)enjoy (g)organizers (h)advertisers.

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