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1) Man can have (a)—­(popular) by means of service to people. People in power can have honour. But this honour will not last long if their behaviour is not good. When common people are (b)—(internal)— hurt by their (c)—(behaviour)—. Usually they do not express their feeling in front of them. But they make (d)—(criticize)—of their manners and (e)—(regard)—them later. The (f)—(elder)—people should be honoured by the juniors or the young people in the society. In the (g)—(develop)—countries the people over sixty are called senior citizens and they are everywhere respected (h)—(according)—. In the (i)—(develop)—countries we expect this kind of (j)—(treat)—to the seniors.

2)In order to (a)—(material)—you dream, you need (b)—(determine) —and efforts. Nothing is (c)—(achieve)—in this world without hard work, Nothing is (d)—unachieve for those who are blessed with (e) —(common)—abilities. They are very fortunate. It is a bad habit to put off the lesson for tomorrow. Good students never do this. It is (f)— (neglect)—of one’s duty. If you are not (g)—(duty)—. You will never do it. (h)—(dutiful)—is a very bad practice that brings about (i)— (adverse)—in life. To become (j)—(success)—in life, you must be dutiful.

3)Sound health is the (a)—(come)—of physical exercise in a (b)— (regulate)—form. (c)—(regulate)—form of exercise or (d)— (exercise)—is injurious to health. Remember that if you take physical exercise, you must not be (e)—(regular)—. Physical exercise increases our appetite and improves (f)—(digest)—power. If anybody suffers from (g)—(digest)—he should take physical exercise. Proper (h)—(digest)—of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (i)—(constipate)—and helps proper blood (j)— (circulate)—..

4.Patriots love their country more than their lives. (a)—(patriot)—is a virtue. Men without patriotism can do anything (b)—(harm)— to the country. Our history shows that (c)— (patriot)—men made the nation subservient to the overseas (d)—(rule)—. They are more dangerous than (e)— (venom)— snakes. They did not want our (f)— (dependent)—. They are traitors. They are enemies. They gave (g) —(assist)—to the Pakistani soldiers. There is no country in the world where people quarrel among themselves over the question of independence. We were very (h)— (fortunate)—to have such people. However, after so many years of independence, we should remove our (i)—(differ)—and work for the country (j)—(unite)—.

5.) Religion leads us to the path of truth. The habit and manners of a (a)—(religion)—man make him worthy and (b)—(honor)—. Without being religious, one cannot be (c)—(sprit)—rich and (d)—(light)—. Religion helps to build up one’s moral character. So it is said that (e)—(moral)— has its root in religion. We should teach our children to become religious to build up a happy and (f)—(peace)—career. Love for only (g)—(world)—pleasure cannot give real peace. It rather brings (h)—(frustrate)—. (i)— (religious)—people only hanker after worldly pleasure. They may (j)—(believe)—in God. So try to follow your religion..

6.Courtesy is a virtue in man. It goes without saying that courtesy costs nothing but gives a lot. So you should be courteous. That is you must have (a)—(polite)—. People will (b) —(like)—and (c)—(respect)— you if you are (d)—(courteous)—. Nobody likes (e)—(courtesy) —. Try to be gentle from your student life. When we come across a (f)—(strange)—, we should not be (g)—(friends)— towards him. If the stranger is a (h)—(tour)—, we should receive him (i)—(cordial)—. If he comes to visit our locality we should
(j) —(company)—him to the important spots..

7.In the past children used to play in the open field before or after school hours. But now our children keep (a)—(door)— before the TV or computer. They watch TV or play games on computer. Children’s (b)— (fond) —for use of computer has (c) —(recent)—increased to a very great extent. Some prefer computer games to other programs. This (d)—(prefer)—is not a good habit. It makes them (e)—(attentive)—to studies and very often (f)—(active)—. So they should not keep bent on computer for long hours. They think that they are not spending time in (g)—(idle)—. Though this is not the (h)—(waste)—of time, it is the spending of mental energy. They do not undergo any exertion (i)—(physical)—and as a result they become (j)—(mental)— tired.

8.Bangladesh is an (a)—(populated)—country. Her (b)—(dense)—of population per square mile is very high. The per capita income of people is also low. Majority people live here below (c)—(poor)— line. Moreover, there are lots of problems that are the (d)—(hinder)—to her development, Political (e)—(rest)—is one of them. We are living in a (f)—(democrat)—country. We have many (g)—(achieve)—though we live in (h)—(sufficient)—. The country is gradually advancing towards (i)—(prosper)—. But observing hartal has become a bad political culture in our country. It harms economy and causes a great suffering to (j)—(politics)—people. We should give up the practice of hartal for our own interest.

Answers :

Answer to the question no-1:
a. popularity b. internally c. misbehaviour d. criticism e. disregard f. elderly g. developed h. accordingly i. developing j. treatment.

Answer to the question no-2:
a. materialize b. determination c. achievable d. unachievable e. uncommon f. negligence g. undutiful h. Undutifulness i. adversity j. successful.

Answer to the question no-3:
a. outcome b. regulated c. Unregulated d. over-exercise e. irregular f. digestive g. indigestion h. digestion i. constipation j. circulation

Answer to the question no-4:
a. Patriotism b. harmful c. unpatriotic d. rulers e. venomous f. independence g. assistance h. unfortunate i. differences j. unitedly.

Answer to the question no-5:
a. religious b. honorable c. spiritually d. enlightened e. morality f. peaceful g. worldly h. frustration i. Irreligious j. disbelieve

Answer to the question no-6:
a. politeness b. dislike c. disrespect d. discourteous e. discourtesy f. stranger g. unfriendly h. tourist i. cordially j. accompany

Answer to the question no-7:
a. indoors b. fondness c. recently d. preference e. inattentive f. inactive g. idleness h. wastage i. physically j. mentally.

Answer to the question no-8:
a. overpopulated b. density c. poverty d. hindrance e. unrest f. democratic g. achievements h. insufficiency i. prosperity j. non-political.

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