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Suffix - Prefix JSC Board Solution ( Rajshahi Board)

Suffix - Prefix 

1.   Health -- Healthy (adj), Unhealthy (adj), Healthful (adj), healthily (adv)

2. Pain ----   Painful (adj), Painfully (adv)

3. Happy ----  Happily (adv), Unhappy ( adj), Happiness ( noun)

4. Physical --   Physically ( adv)

5. Mental --   Mentally ( adv) , Mentality (noun)

6. Misery --- Miserable (adj), Miserly (adj)

7. Active --   Inactive (adj), Activeness (noun),  actively (adv)

JSC Rajshahi Board 2016

 1. An (a) healthy man leads a (b) pain life. He can not enjoy (c) happy. He suffers both (d) physical and (e) mental. He passes his days with (f) happy. His life is very (g) misery. He is (h) active too.

Ans :  (a) Unhealthy   (b) Painful    (c)  Happiness  (d)  Physically   (e)  Mentally  (f) Unhappiness
          (g) miserable   (h) Inactive

JSC-- Rajshahi Board 2015

2.  (a) Literacy is a curse. For having (b) adequate institutions, all citizens of our country do not get proper (c) educate. As a result, they remain ignorant about nutrition, technology etc. and so they suffer from (d) nutrition and many other problems. The (e) govern should take some steps to eradicate the problem. Because no (f) develop is possible keeping most of the people (g) literate. Illiterate people do not know how to use scientific method in their (h) respect fields.

Ans :   (a)  Illiteracy   (b) Inadequate  (c)  education  (d)  Malnutrition  (e) Government  (f) Development  (g)  Illiterate (h) Respective.

3. JSC  Rajshahi Board -- 2014

A good student is (a) mind to his studies. He is (b) respect to his (c) teach. He does not (d) honour anybody. He is free from (e) conduct. He is (f) study. He is not (g) sincere to his study. He maintains (h) punctual.

Ans :    (a) Mindful  (b)  Respectful  (c)  Teachers  (d) Dishonour  (e)  Misconduct  (f) Studious  
          (g) Insincere  (h) Punctuality. 

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