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Narration --Barisal Board

Narration --Barisal Board

1. Takrim said to Srabon, "When does your JSC Examination commence ?"  "It commences on the 1st November," said he.  "Your JSC Examination is knocking at the door and you don't have a lot of time," said Takrim.  "You're right," said Srabon.  "And I'm learning my lessons with profound attention.  ( Barisal 2016)

Ans :  Takrin asked Srabon when his (S) JSC Examination commenced. Srabon replied that it commenced on the 1st November. Takrin told Srabon that his (S) JSC Examination was knocking at the door and he (S) did not have a lot of time. Srabon said that he (T) was right and added that he (S) was learning his (S) lessons with profound attention.

2.  "I've lost my tooth, " said Samira.  "How ugly will I look !"  "Don't worry,"  said Mina.  "Just put your tooth into a rat's hole and a rat will give you one of its finest teeth." ( Barisal  2015)

Ans :   Samira told Mina that she (S) had lost her (S) tooth. Samira exclaimed with sorrow that she(S) would look very ugly. Mina told her not to worry and also said to put  just her (S) tooth into a rat's hole and a rat would give her (S) one of its finest teeth.

3.  My friend said to me, "Why are you reading at this hour ?  It is time for prayer. Let us go out for a walk after saying prayer."  "Yes, I agree with you,"  said I.  "I have been suffering from fever for a long time," said the student.   ( Barisal 2014)

Ans :  My friend asked me why I was reading at that hour and also said that it was time for prayer. Then he proposed to me that we should go out for a walk after saying prayer. I replied in the affirmative and said that I agreed with him. The student said that he (S) had been suffering from fever for a long time. 

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