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Transformations (affirmative--Negative and vice versa) 2

Transformations (affirmative--Negative) 2

1. Af: He reads only English.
    ne: He reads nothing but English.

2. Af: A brave man alone can do this.
    ne: None but a brave man can do this.

3. Af: Money alone can save him now.
    ne: Nothing but money can save him now.

4. Af: All men are mortal.
   ne:  No man is immortal.

5. Af: I shall always remember your advice.
   ne: I shall never forget your advice.

6. Af: The committee rejected the proposal.
    ne:  The committee did not accept the proposal.

7. Af: I see you for the last time.
    ne: Never again shall I see you.

8. Af: Where there is smoke, there is fire.
    ne :  There can be no smoke without fire.

9. Af: Excess of anything is bad.
    ne: Isn't excess of anything bad ?

10. Af: I shall be ever grateful to you.
      ne: I shall be never ungrateful to you.

11. Af: As soon as he saw me, he ran away.
      ne: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.

12. Af: He goes to school everyday.
      ne: Doesn't he go to school everyday?

13. Af: There is little water in the glass.
      ne:  There is not much water in the glass.

14. Af: He was only twenty-two.
     ne:  He was not more than/not less than twenty-two.

15. Af: You have to drink clean water.
     ne: You can not but drink clean water.

16. Af: He had to do this.
     ne: He could not but do this.

17. Af:  Both Karim and Rahim can do the work.
     ne: Not only Karim but also Rahim can do the work.

18. Af: He ate eggs and vegetables.
      ne: He ate not only eggs but also vegetables.

19. Af:   A patriot loves his country.
      ne:  No patriot hates his country.

20. Af: All Bangladeshis are polite.
      ne:  No Bangladeshi is impolite.

21. Af: Everybody is liable to error.
      ne: Nobody is free from error.

22. Af: Everybody is dependent on others.
      ne: Nobody is self-reliant

23. Af: I am always against smoking.
     ne: I am never in favour of smoking.

24. Af: He is always regular in his duties.
      ne: He is never irregular in his duties.

25. Af: Everyone admits it.
      ne: No one denies it.

26. Af: He is present in the meeting.
      ne: He is not absent from the meeting.

27. Af: Health is wealth.
     ne: Isn't health wealth ?

28. Af: I missed the bus.
     ne:  I could not catch the bus.

29. Af: The boy is lazy.
      ne: The boy is not active.

30. Af: Dhaka is a new city.
      ne: Dhaka is not an old/ancient city.

31. Af: He rises from bed early.
     ne: He does not rise from bed late.

32. Af: He went there quickly.
      ne: He did not go there slowly.

33. Af: He did the sum correctly.
   ne:  He did not do the sum incorrectly.

34. Af:   Rahim is as good as Kamal.
      ne:   Kamal is not better than Rahim.

35. Af: I was doubtful of his honesty.
     ne:  I was not sure of his honesty.

Now some opposite words which will need for changing sentences.      

a few------------------------------------------------ not many

all---------------------------------------------------- none

everybody------------------------------------------- nobody

cruel-------------------------------------------------- kind

innocent---------------------------------------------- guilty

love--------------------------------------------------- hate

sure---------------------------------------------------- doubtful

a little-------------------------------------------------- much

sweet--------------------------------------------------  sour

able----------------------------------------------------  unable

absent-------------------------------------------------  present

active-------------------------------------------------  inactive/lazy

attentive----------------------------------------------  inattentive

correct------------------------------------------------ incorrect

easy---------------------------------------------------- hard/ difficult

fit------------------------------------------------------- unfit

foolish-------------------------------------------------- wise

grateful------------------------------------------------- ungrateful

honest--------------------------------------------------- dishonest

industrious---------------------------------------------- lazy

kind------------------------------------------------------- unkind/ cruel

late---------------------------------------------------------- punctual/ late

literate------------------------------------------------------ illiterate

normal------------------------------------------------------- abnormal

obedient----------------------------------------------------- disobedient

open---------------------------------------------------------- close

ordinary------------------------------------------------------ extra-ordinary

pleased------------------------------------------------------- displeased

pleasant--------------------------------------------------------- unpleasant

possible--------------------------------------------------------- impossible

real---------------------------------------------------------------- unreal

regular-------------------------------------------------------------- irregular

responsible--------------------------------------------------------- irresponsible

right------------------------------------------------------------------ wrong

safe--------------------------------------------------------------------- unsafe

sincere-------------------------------------------------------------------- insincere

solvent-------------------------------------------------------------------- insolvent

strong----------------------------------------------------------------------- weak

willing----------------------------------------------------------------------- unwilling

accept-------------------------------------------------------------------------- refuse/ deny

admit--------------------------------------------------------------------------- deny

agree------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disagree

mind-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- neglect

satisfy--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dissatisfy

submit--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- escape/ avoid  

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