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Narration --- JSC Comilla Board

Narration --- JSC   Comilla Board

 1.  The teacher said to the student , "Have you prepared your lesson today ?"  "No, sir."  replied the     student. The teacher said,  "Why have you not prepared ?"  "I was suffering from headache yesterday," replied the student.  (CB 2016)

Ans :  The teacher asked the student if he(s) had prepared his(s) lesson that day.  The student respectfully replied in the negative. The teacher again asked the student why he (s) had not prepared it. The student replied that he (s) had been suffering from headache the previous day.

2. Lubna said to me , "Have you finished reading the book I gave you yesterday ?"  "Yes, I have finished reading the book,"  I replied.  "What an interesting book it is !  I wish I could borrow the book earlier."  I said.  "Will you return the book to me today ?" she asked.  ( CB 2015)

Ans :  Lubna asked me if I had finished reading the book she had given me the previous day. I replied in the affirmative and said that I had finished reading the book. Then I exclaimed with joy that it was a very interesting book and wished that I could borrow the book earlier. Then she asked me if I would return the book to her that day.

3.  "Why were you absent ?" said the teacher.  "The Headteacher is very angry with you. Go to him at once."  " I was seriously ill," said Papia.  (CB 2014)

Ans : The teacher asked Papia why she (p) had been absent and added that the Headteacher was very angry with her (p) and advised her to go to him (H) at once / then and there. Papia replied that she (p) had been seriously ill.

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