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Narration Solution -- Jessore Board

Narration Solution 

1.    Shamim said to Karim, "How are you ?   I went to your house yesterday, but did not find you. "     " I went to the station , "  said Karim.  " I had to receive my maternal uncle there. "  (JB 2016)

Ans : Shamim asked Karim how he ( K) was. Shamim also said that he (S) had gone to his (K) house the previous day, but had not found him (K).  Karim replied that he (K) had gone to the station. He (K) also added that he (K) had to receive his (K) maternal uncle there.

2. Sakif said to his brother, "Where are you going ? I want to go with you. "   "No, you can not go with me. stay at home and study attentively for the ensuing examination, " said his brother.
 ( JB 2015)

Ans :  Sakif asked his brother where he (b) was going. He (s) also said that he (s) wanted to go with him (b).  His brother replied in the negative and said that he (s) could not go with him (b). He (b) also advised him (s) to stay at home and study attentively for the ensuing examination.

3.  " I came here yesterday from my town, " Fatema said.   "Why did you come here ?" I asked.  "My mother sent me to you with this letter."  "How is your mother ?"  (JB 2014) 

Ans :  Fatema told me that she (f) had gone there the previous day from her (f) town. I asked her why she (f) had gone there.  She(f) replied that her mother had sent her (f) to me with that letter. I again asked her (f) how her mother was.

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