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Narration Solution -- JSC Dinajpur Board

Narration Solution

1.  "Rojina, have you done your English lesson today ?" said the teacher.  "Yes, sir, I did it. But I  haven't understood some grammatical points," replied Rojina. "Where is the problem ?" said the teacher.  ( Dinaj 2016)

Ans :  The teacher asked Rojina if she (R) had done her(R) English lesson that day. Rojina respectfully replied in the affirmative and also said that she(R) had done it. She also added that she hadn't understood some grammatical points. Then the teacher asked her (R) again where the problem was.

2.  The traveller said to the peasant, " Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn ?"  The peasant said,  " Yes, I can. Do you want one in which you can spend the night ? "  The traveller said,  " I do not wish to stay there, but I only want a meal."       ( Dinaj 2015)

Ans : The traveller asked the peasant if he (P) could tell him (T) the way to the nearest inn. The peasant replied in the affirmative and said that he (P) could tell it. Then the peasant asked him (T) if he (T) wanted one in which he (T) could spend the night. The traveller replied that he (T) did not wish to stay there but he (T) only wanted a meal.

3. The teacher said to the boy, " Do you think that honesty is the best policy ?"  The boy said,  "Yes, sir, I think so. "  "Then learn to be honest from your boyhood, " said the teacher.  "Thank you, sir, " said the boy.      ( Dinaj 2014)

Ans : The teacher asked the boy if he (B) thought that honesty is the best policy. The boy respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that he (B) thought so. The teacher advised the boy to learn to be honest from his (B) boyhood. The boy respectfully thanked the teacher. 

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